Sunday, February 8, 2015

Church #34. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

 In this project I have seen a lot.

I have seen thriving churches. I have seen dieing churches. But today I saw something completely different. Today I witnessed the afterlife of a church. What can happen after the doors on the house of the Lord close for the last time. But like many things in this world, the end of one, is simply the beginning of another.

It was a bit of a clumsy start, entering this church. I went to the front door and attempted to open it, only to discover it was locked. I noticed some people heading towards the side door of the newly built expansion on the left side of the building. So i gathered my dignity and headed for the side door.

My first impression of the new entrance hall, besides the lovely verity of green foliage, was the clear commitment to accessibility that this church has made. I don't think i have seen anywhere else with so many wheel chair ramps! When you actually enter the main body of the church you can tell that this place is old, really old. A lot of the architecture harks back to the Victorian/Western settlement days. However I have to say that almost everything was perfectly preserved or restored.  

I also found this latter that confirmed my suspicions.

I also noticed these "children's packages" at the entrance. Smart idea.

They had a large choir of  approx 25 people all seniors or Jr.seniors. In my opinion they are a very well trained group of  singers and can really hold the audiences attention.

The church was lead by a female minister who had very organic looking robes that instantly reminded me of  a sewing pattern I have. You know you are a sewer when...

pretty close eh?

Similar to the last Lutheran church I have gone to, there was once again, casually dressed alter-girls helping with a verity of small tasks associated with the service.

There were approx 12 children that came up for children's time. And instead of having a story book, they got introduced to some new items that had been gifted to their church.

Augustina Church closed down in December. The items being shown today, involve a selection of different sliver serving wear that would be used in communion. This gift represents the now blended congregations of 2 churches.

There was a prayer  asking that we all be forgiven from our sins. the pastor turns to the congregation, makes the singe of the cross, and declares us all forgiven of our sins.

And part of me is like "seriously? That's it?" But then I started to remember that it can really just be that simple. Heck, Jesus healed a women that he didn't even know was there! She came up behind him in the crowd and bleary got a finger on the tip of his robes. It was only when he felt his power leave him that he turned around to see who was there. Even the smallest amount of faith can be powerful. Not to say that we don't have to repent. We got a lecture on that today. 

The reading from the scriptures today talked about the time when Jesus was gathering his disciples. How he had these 12 men just drop everything in their lives to fallow him. Thee homes, jobs, life styles and possessions. The pastor asked us to reflect what it would take in our lives to convince us to just drop everything and fallow. One can't help but marvel at the unmeasurable amount of faith and will it would take to do that.

She spoke about repentance. Repentance dose not mean feeling sorry about what you did, but rather it is the choice to change direction. She also emphasized that we need to have trust in God that he has our lives in his hand and we should not fear.

The lesson today was in relation to David who was having some problems with slander in his kingdom. people were speaking badly of him. And it was getting to him. We all suffer having rumors spread about us, via, work, home, school, or Facebook/ social media. David  declares "God is my rock" and hold strong and not let aimless rumors destroy your life.

This was one of the first sermons that I have ever been to that had a clear and relevant message for teenagers. Such as the hand full that were sitting at the front of the church. This was actually something that matters to them, and dose not come directly from the agenda of their parents. In this day and age rumors KILL. When something gets out it dose not stay secluded to one group of people, and it dose not die down after a relatively short period. Now when things get out they can spread across the planet and seen but tens of thousands of people in a matter of days, and has resulted in young people in taking their lives in record numbers. Just to give you some idea of this, I suggest this video.

This young lady was declared to be "The Worlds Ugliest Woman" on the internet. And she discovers this one day by accident on you-tube. This is an interview with her.

Another piece of scripture that was covered was when Jesus was on trial before King Herod.  And how he refused to speak in defense of himself as the accusations were made. The pastor stated "Our souls wait in silence for god." "let us commit ourselves to daily prayers of silence." "let the peace of god rule in our hearts".

A leader from Augustina church came up and made a speech. Also assisted with giving out the communion pieces. You could tell he was very emotional, an noticeably red in the face. I am kind of amazed that he didn't break down and start crying. If not in realization that his church is forever in the past. But maybe in the hope, that has come with a warm welcome into a new sanctury. 

And like in most churches, you always have that one interesting character that you cant help but notice.  A fellow likely in his 40's with a  full slicked over 1950's haircut, leather biker jacket, and wearing a steel cross attached to a black leather string. I could not help but notice as he passed me in the walk to accept communion.

Gods people come in all forms. Something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alanna, thanks so much for visiting our church, Trinity Lutheran! It's very interesting to get an "outsider perspective", reminds us what we should continue doing and what we might want to think about.

    I have a small factual correction: The church which closed and whose communion serving dishes we dedicated on that Sunday is called "Augustana Lutheran Church". And the two congregations did not merge; some of the Augustana folks have been coming to Trinity, and some are going to other Lutheran churches.

    Re your last 2 paragraphs: God's people do indeed come in all forms. The "interesting character" you noticed used to be homeless and sleep in one of the church's window wells. He is our friend and brother in Christ.
