Monday, August 11, 2014

Church #26 (Part 1) Grace Pentecostal Church. Aug 3rd 2014.

I wish I didn’t have to write this but here it goes. Every Sunday that I get up and pick a church at random, I pray that I will have a positive experience. I like to think that of the few bad churches I have been to that the worst is behind me. I wish that was the truth, because this ended up being scarier then what I am willing to believe. Here we go. 

I had walked by this church many times before and waited in front of it for the bus many times. The only thing that I though might be unusual about it was that it was in the basement of a business. First underground church I have ever seen. I got the service times confused and ended up arriving 15 min late. But it was no big deal in my eyes. There were only 12 people in the room.  There was a senior African-Canadian fellow leading the service (first time I’ve seen that). I immediately noticed that out of the 12, there were 5 young men in their early 20’s.  This was shocking. Young men in churches are extremely rare. You’re normally lucky to get 1 in a room of 100.  So this was baffling.  They also all sat in the first two pews on the left side of the church.  One young fellow looked noticeably interesting with his white pants white suspenders and two bandaged up fingers on his right hand ( he later told me that he crushed them in a minor workplace accident.)

I really felt there was no option to be anonymous in this church. This guy was watching you. Really watching you. So much so that he called me out when I accidentally picked up the wrong song book. (There was more than one here).
When I had come in they were in the middle of singing and I just simply joined them from the point that they were at.  After a few songs there was a quick break where the leader started speaking. He stated an interesting statistic that involved a survey of large group of people from around the world.  The question was “what is your greatest desire in life?” The results of this survey generated some interesting results including that 6% said “I want to own a bicycle”. Such a small thing. We were then all told to be thank-full and count our blessings. And then the singing continued.

The prayer was interesting here. There was more than one person praying at a time and yelling over each-other. The offering plate was passed around early, but just as I was digging in my purse to get my loony out, it went right past me. Ok it didn’t even go past me. They stopped at 2 of the 12 people in the room and then brought it up to speaker’s podium and left it there. Yes I got blown-off for the offering plate. Lame move guys.

This church was unique in the fact that it was just a heavy amount of preaching. The service was 2.5hours and 1.5-2h of it was just the church leader speaking. Ok speaking is an understatement; this guy uses vocal punch as if he throws baseballs for a living.

There is just a large list of quotes from here on out so I thought I would file them accordingly.

Good quotes.
“The only thing we have is what we give”
Senior lady stands up and tells a humorous story about her and her sisters falling asleep in church.
“Our footsteps and our path is directed by god-we need to stay close to god to help direct us-the lord is my shepherd.”
“Church is where we come to get our souls ready t meet god”.
“Sin does not rule a man”
“God will give us a new heart and remove our hearts of stone”
“We must life for god 24/7”

Amongst all this there was a point where the church leader called me out and asked me to stand up and introduce myself. I did so and also made appoint of telling him about my journalism and that toady they were church #26. The  pastor was thrown totally off guard and after taking a few min to collect himself looked at me and said “ well we hope you decide to make church #26 your home.” At the end of these 2 posts, you will look back on this quote and laugh. Guaranteed.

They also had this deep obsession of repenting and being baptized. I like I know it is important and all, but that seems to be the number one thing that is on the top of their list. I have never seen this attitude before. The pastor also made it clear that a repented man is a “new man” and must not carry forward any of the evil or ungodly characteristics that he had before.  That all addictions and bad habits must be purged in full.

During this service i felt something strange. I was ignored 50% of the time. Largely due to the fact that the pastor head was  turned to the right  and speaking specifically to the group of 5 young men at the front left side of the room. This is how the conversation went.
Pastor: “some people got out to the moves and put ungodly things before their eyes, but we don’t do that!”
Young Men: *nod and smile.
Pastor: “Some people go out to the bars of the weekends! But we don’t do that!”
Young Men: *nod and smile.
Pastor” when that girl calls you up and wants to hang out you tell her no! Cause we don’t do that!”
Young Men: *nod and smile.

This is the vibe I got from that.

 I was called out a third time in the service as he spent his 1.5-2hours preaching on people were flipping pages in there bibles every 5-10 min. This is not a church service that just focuses and breaks down one or two things this guy I am sure covered 10-15 topics.  I just eventually give up and sat there and wrote my notes. Then the point came where he addressed me and asked me to read the next line. I looked up and politely told him that I had fallen off track since I had been taking notes. Once again you could see on his face that I threw him a total curve ball. He went on preaching while one of the senior ladies ran over to me and helped me flip to the right page. Then I read the scripture quote and sat down.

I have encountered this “teacher style” of preaching the before but I am not even sure you could call it that. It was more like a bible rant from a prosecuting lawyer.

Harsh/Odd/Questionable quotes.

80% of church money is tax deductible. The tradition for having no-low tax on a church was started in ancient times.
“All must appear before judgment”
“Church cannot be a social venue.”
The pastor recalls having Elvis style sideburns when he first came to this church and how he progressively cut them off.
“I don’t want you to say amen! I want you to go home and do it!”
“the unrichous will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.”
“Fornicators, Idolaters, adulterers and the effeminate will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. “
“God says if you are effeminate you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
“Men lower your voices when you come to church!”
“Brother _____ does not wear sister _____ dress!!” 
“If you want to live long, keep gods commandments.”

 And my personal favorite.
“No matter what kind of Bow-tie, Shirt and Bubble bath you give a pig , it is still a Pig!” 

One thing that was mentioned at the beginning and end of all this was the issue of dating. The pastor made it quite clear that none of the young men in the church were allowed to date unless they bring these girls to church and they get approved thru him first.

At the end of these 2.5 hours I felt nothing less then what I must feel like to get punched in the gut. Regardless, I made a point of going to the front and introducing myself to the 5 young men in the room and I asked if it was ok if I could ask them some questions for my article. They agreed and we all sat down. As I asked my questions, everyone left except for one senior lady, the group of 5, and the preacher who walked in and out of the room and sat down at one point and watched me. But it was clear from the look on this guy’s face that he was right pissed off with me.

First I told them about my article and the finer details of what it was about, and then I started my questions.

First I mentioned that it is supper unusual to see this many young men in a church so small. I asked them why they picked this church. The reply was typical of that I have heard at other churches.  According to them it has god’s love, gives them strength, and preaches the true message.
Then I addressed the young fellow with 2 broken fingers and asked him why he started coming here. He told me that he was a very messed-up kid and that his father started bringing him to a Pentecostal church. He at one point moved to the city with his mother and then just found another nearby. There was a young fellow that raised his hand  and mad an extra comment, saying that if you don’t show up to church the pastor calls you up and checks on you and sees what’s going on. Despite the terrified  look on my face he assures me that it is a “good thing” and that the pastor is a “good Sheppard” I was also told that they feel like their relationships in the church have more meaning and value then ones outside of it.
The last question I had for them was a good one. I asked them what do they do for fun. (Considering they are restricted from doing EVERYTHING!)  And the one young fellow pipes on the end and says “we EAT!!!!”  And then the group laughs. But they did tell me that they want to do activities that “are not sinful and glorify god”  so apparently that includes go-carting, talent shows, karaoke, board games and they all apparently play in a band and jam together.

I went home after all this and tried to get some house work done. But I couldn’t.

I was thinking about what I saw today and as the minutes and hours when on it was bothering me to the point where I needed to do something. So a called up my good friend and pastor. I read off to him everything I saw and witnessed today. And then I pulled out the pamphlets they gave me. Then I mentioned this one.

He asked me to open it and read form it, at one point he stopped me and said “Alanna, you didn’t find a church, what you found was a cult!” 

Yep. That’s how I felt.
The crazier part is that he recommended talking to a friend of his that was deep into this cult and left! That interview was intense. Keep an eye open for the post!

Ps. apparently this place may be called Grace Pentecostal Church, but that is not what they stamped on the back of their pamphlets…

Weird hey?

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